GLOBAL Alert Overide

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About Our Tobacco Cessation Program

The University of Florida AHEC Program, in partnership with Tobacco Free Florida, offers FREE Group Quit classes
with in-person and online options to help you quit. Each group is led by a tobacco treatment specialist who helps you
develop a quit plan, identify triggers, and brainstorm coping strategies. You may be eligible to receive
a 4-week supply of free nicotine replacement therapy (patches, gum, and/or lozenges).

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Quitting isn’t easy, finding help should be.
Sign up for a class today!

Free Group Quit Classes
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Learn how to refer your patients to our
tobacco cessation program.

Health Professionals

Our AHEC Program’s Group Quit rate is 39.7% for single sessions and 42.6% for multi-sessions, compared to 7.5% of adult smokers who tried on their own.

Benefits of Quitting

How much will you save?

Ever Done the Math?
When you look at the numbers, using tobacco just doesn’t make sense. Find out how much you’ve spent and think of all the ways you can spend it.