Resources for healthcare Providers
70% of smokers will visit their primary care physician each year.
5-10% of smokers will quit within a year just by being told by a physician to do so.
If the clinician can link a benefit of quitting with the patient’s chief complaint,
the likelihood of quitting increases by 1-3%.

Brief tobacco intervention

Following this model takes mere minutes and
can drastically improve your patients’ chances of
successfully quitting.
How to refer through EPIC
1. Create an order for the patient
2. Search REF100 or tobacco, quit smoking, cessation
3. Search and select REF100
4. Select YES to the referral agreement
5. Fill out order
6. Accept the order
When patients are referred to us, they are contacted by a tobacco treatment specialist. They will discuss quit options and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) options with the patient to determine the best ways to support them on their quit journey.