GLOBAL Alert Overide

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Virtual classes

To access a virtual class please check your email for the Zoom link
and follow the instructions below on how to access the class.

If you need further assistance, please call us at 352-273-5224.

Joining from Web

Step 1: Go to the email that was sent out a couple of days before your course.

Step 2: Click on the highlighted link.

Step 3: The Zoom application will launch asking to Open Click Open

Step 4: You will automatically be directed to the meeting. If you are early you will be in a “waiting room” and will be let in once the class starts.

Step 5: Don’t forget to click on “Join with Computer Audio” so you can hear the class.

You should now see the other participants and the tobacco treatment specialist on your screen. Your specialist will provide further instructions.

Joining from Phone

Step 1: Download the Zoom application on your phone

Step 2: Go to the email that was sent out a couple of days before your course.

Step 3: Click on the highlighted link.

(Note: You can also join by typing in the meeting ID and password included in the email by going on the app and selecting “Join Meeting”)

Step 4: The Zoom app will open and direct you to the meeting. If you are early you will be in a “waiting room” and will be let in once the class starts.

Step 5: Tap Join Audio if you haven’t joined the meeting by audio.

You should now see the other participants and the tobacco treatment specialist on your screen. Your specialist will provide further instructions.